Mommy was trying to get me to watch tv yesterday and I said, no Pooh and no choo-choo. Finally she realized what I wanted. Futurama! I could watch that show 24/7. Mommy just shakes her head. I'm a big boy now. No more Disney for me.
Well it's less than three months until D-day (delivery day) and it's already getting cramped in here. It doesn't help that my big brothers are always jumping into mommys lap and squishing me. But it's toughening me up in preparation for later. I enjoy Christmas time because mommy eats cookies and the sugar has me doing backflips. Good stuff. Well that's it for now.
Mommy gave me a bath tonight. First she stripped me down and I ran away from her into her bedroom. Daddy and mommy came in ten seconds later and found that I had run into their closet and peed and pooped. Tee hee hee. I'm quick to get the job done! Lesson learned by mom and dad!