Last night mommy put me in Adam's room while she got the bath ready. When she came back I decided to crawl from the middle of the room over to the giraffe on the wall (that my Aunt Suzy painted). Then mommy kept cheering me on and I crawled to the middle of the hallway. Today mommy put me on the floor of her room while she got ready and I crawled over to a pile of stuff in the corner of the room and started playing. Then nanny Lois came over so mommy put me on the middle of the floor and I crawled over to my brothers toy car. This crawling stuff is great. It puts a lot less pressure on my belly! Let's see what I can get into now!
Big D
"Apple! Apple! Apple!" I could say that word every day all day. This is not my first word, but it's the first "not common" word that I say crystal clear and know what I'm referring to. I like calling my grandparents and saying "Apple!" Of course when I am eating my pears I think they are apples too. But, give me a break, they are both green and have cores.
Big A
Hello everyone. Well we are all finally healthy and we had a fun weekend. Adam and I went to the grandparents house on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. We went to the park. On Sunday mom and dad took us to church in the stroller. Then we stuck around for a picnic. Lots of fun. At church momma had to take Adam out and I kept saying "Momma, momma, momma." Momma could hear me over the loud speaker. Last week I kept getting up at 4 a.m. Dada would feed me and then take me back to bed. As he carried me up i would says, "Dada, dada, dada" the whole way back to bed. My bottom two teeth are really working their way in now. Slowly, but surely! I'm still working on the crawling, but I'm content with my army crawl that gets me around entire rooms.
Well, it's back to bed for me. I'm trying to give my parents peace and stay asleep until 6 a.m. We'll see.
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. The family has been sick with the stomach flu. Mommy & Daddy got hit first right after mothers day. I was sick on Sunday/Monday but am on the mend now. It's the first time I've ever been sick like that and it was not fun. But mommy made it all better. Now I was playing in my room with Nanny Lois and David and David got sick all over the floor. Yucky, yucky! Daddy is coming home to take care of him.
So, that's what's going on in our house. I hope everyone else stays healthy!
We had a whole weekend with mommy. It was great. I learned some new tricks this weekend. I'm almost 8 months old and I FINALLY broke my first tooth. Yeah! I can't wait to eat chewy things! I woke up on mother's day and said "dada. dada. dada" all day long. A bit ironic I know, but hey it's all I'm capable of right now. I get up on all fours and rock and scootch my knees. I'm VERY close to crawling. Tonight I was playing on the floor and I rolled over and then sat up all by myself. I'm a real mover and shaker these days!
I gave mommy lots of smiles today, so I hope she had a nice mother's day.
I sleep in my big boy bed now! I have a lot more room to stretch. There are fewer bars blocking me in but I still choose to stay in bed until mommy or daddy come to get me. David is now sleeping in my crib. I ignore him when he cries. I need my beauty sleep!
Big A