David : May 19, 2011 Duck! Duck! Duck!   

Mommy took me on a date yesterday.  We went to the store and she told me I would get to pick out my very own duck.  Before we got there she made me sit in the car while we got the emmissions test done (BORING) and then we went to the Disney store!  I got a Donald Duck of my very own and 3 baby ducks (Hewey, Dewey and Louie).  I like to put my duck in the baby swing and give it kisses on its beak.  There is nothing better in this world that a soft and cuddly duck!


Rebekah(Miss Rebekah) : May 19, 2011 Almost 3 months old   

Can you believe I've survived three months in this house so far?  Only 213 more months to go before I can move out on my own :-p  Actually I can't complain too much.  Mom and Dad booted David out of my room finally and Mom is preparing it for the new princess in town.  By this time next week it will be referred to as "Rebekah's Room."  However, I am a bit jealous of the lively walls in my brothers' room.  It is fitting that they are in the jungle room since they are a bunch of wild animals.  David is like a monkey in a cage when it comes to bedtime.  Adam on the other hand is more like the zookeeper. 

Mom says I am just the happiest and sweetest baby ever.  I just LOVE to smile and smile and smile some more.  All it takes is for someone to look at me and say hello and I grin from ear to ear.  I've started going to bed around 8 these days to give my parents some alone time in the evenings.  I've been great for Mom in the evenings.  I get up once between 2 and 3 a.m. and then not until 6ish again.  Mom is happy that I am so good for her.  I think we make a pretty good team. 

My brothers are a bit crazy but I like sitting up in my walker these days and watching them get into trouble.  Sometimes I even smile when David is crying.  I can't help myself.  It's what siblings do.

Well, I better get some rest now.  Lots of love.

Rebekah Grace

Adam : May 17, 2011 Clean-up!   

So I went out with the ole-man tonight for dinner.  Just him and I.  Mom texted dad asking us to pickup stuff.  Oh mommy!  She is really slacking.  To top it all off, there was an empty beer box and empty cans rolling around the parking lot.  I told dad "Someone made a mess!  Mommy clean-up!"  He chucked and said, "Yes, mommy clean-up!"


David : Apr 18, 2011 My version of potty training   

Mom and dad were eating dinner and I didn't want to bother them for my diaper change. So, I took things into my own hands..literally. I walked into the dining room butt naked with a very poopy diaper in hand. Mom and dad looked shocked. I was quite proud. Of course mom wasn't thrilled with the poopy butt print marks in the family room. Baby steps mom. On another note I am moving along in talking these days. I love the little einsteins (eye tie) and put my hands up in the air and say "go" along with the theme song. My favorite word is still duck but I also say "ma" for more, "puh puh" for up up, eye, and other small phrases. When mommy says I love you I blow her a kiss. I'm full of cuteness. Love, Day-Day

Adam : Apr 12, 2011 Potty training   

Well I'm finally getting the hang of this potty thing. I still find it humorous to pretend spray David but I know better than to actually do it. I get quite the looks from mom though. I still have to work on making it to the potty on time but I'm trying. I like to tell mommy good job when she pees and I make her eat an m&m.; Rebekah and David are doing well. I'm trying to be nice. We are looking forward to Easter in a few days. God bless, Adam

David : Apr 04, 2011 Cough cough cough   

Ugh I've been trapped in a house of runny noses, fevers and cranky kids. Well I guess ive contributed my fair share. Right now I am trying to be sweet and rub my sisters head but mommy won't let me. Supposedly it has something to do with the fact that I rubbed my snotty nose all over my hand. Mom is so unfair. Mom keeps running around the entire house with a spray bottle and paper towels. I can't stand when she chases me with a Kleenex. That's about the excitement in our lives these days. The weather is getting nicer so we've actually gone to the park a few times. I have also started speech and my favorite game is the ah-choo game. My favorite word is duck. I also like uh-oh a lot. My favorite toys are trains. Adam and I like to have wrestling and tickling matches. Mom and dad think it's hilarious. That's it for now. Love, David (the gentle giant)

Katie : Mar 28, 2011 Relaxing with my babies   

Well aunt Suzy left today and it's just our little family of five now. It's a house full of runny noses but despite the sicknesses we had a great time tonight. Adam woke up at 5 pm but he was in such a sweet mood. He played and played with David and they even ran around the playroom holding hands. Then Adam and David started taking turns tickling and wrestling each other. They were rolling around the floor and laughing up a storm. After playtime we all went upstairs to put David to bed and read him books. Then Adam helped me give rebekah a bath. Rebekah is swaddled and sleeping soundly so Adam and I made popcorn and are having a calliou tv show marathon. These kiddie may wear me out at times but I couldn't imagine life without them. They are worth every tantrum, every poopy diaper and every sleepless night. We are so blessed! Mommy

Rebekah(Miss Rebekah) : Mar 23, 2011 Girl Time   

I'm hanging out with Mommy and Aunt Suzy right now watching a chic flick.  I like having girl time.  Aunt Suzy brought me two cute outfits and baby fairy wings!  I'm such a spoiled girl.  Mommy picked out outfits for me for the week.  I am all dolled up these days.  Mommy is happy that I'm finally getting some meat on my bones so that I can fit into some of my outfits.  Mommy would be happier though if I could last more than 2-3 hours between night feedings, but I have a tiny tummy and I read that eating many small meals a day is better than just a few big ones :-p 

I"ve been having a great time at home and am adding pink wherever I can. 

Lots of love,


Adam : Mar 23, 2011 Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy...Rebekah who?   

Hello everyone -

It's been a long time since I've written.  Things have been pretty busy around the house lately.  I like the fact that mommy has been home a lot now and that we get all sorts of visits from aunts, uncles and grandparents.  Grandma and Aunt Suzy took David and I to the Children's museum the other day.  I had a great time running around and playing at all of the exhibits.  I've been pretty attached to mommy these days.  I love the fact that she is home every day now.  I also have been enjoying this nice weather and going on long walks and feeding the ducks.  I don't have to sit in a stroller anymore so that is fun as well.  I pretty much ignore Baby Rebekah.  Mommy brought one of those things home before and I know she will be growing up and taking my toys soon enough so I'll just let her rest for now.  I'll let her know the houserules in a few more months. 



David : Mar 23, 2011 Uh-oh   

Uh-oh!  Grandma Karius left on an airplane this morning.  She's been my morning buddy for 2 weeks this month.  I loved waking up and pointing at her and saying Uh-Oh every morning. She gets my sense of humor.  I've been having fun taking care of my little sister Rebekah this month.  I like to pet her head and tickle her toes.  But, I especially love rolling around in her toys.  Aunt Suzy is here now and is my replacement morning buddy.  I'll put her to the test and see how she does. 

I've started speech therapy and am starting to use my words a lot more these days.  Yesterday I pointed at mommy's shelf and said "duh.  duh."  She has two ducks on her shelf.  I also like to say "go, more, bar, and baby."

My latest trick is that every time my parents give me a bath with Adam I poop in the tub.  It's pretty funny.  I poop and Adam points and says, "Poop!  Poop!"  Mommy and Daddy don't find it very funny though.  Oh well!



P.S. "Uh-oh"

Rebekah(Miss Rebekah) : Mar 15, 2011 A child of God   

I am baptized! Sorry I haven't had to blog since my arrival but it's been crazy out in the real world. Today was supposed to be my arrival date but I've already been around now for 2.5 weeks. Mommy and I are getting into a routine and the boys just ignore me. So it's really win win. Well I'd write more but mommy is telling me to go to bed. You'll hear from me soon! Rebekah

Katie : Feb 27, 2011 My little girl is here!   

Rebekah grace Dobbs was born at 12:14am on 2/26/2011. Happy birthday sweetheart. After watching the office on Thursday night my stomach started hurting and I told mike I thought they felt slightly like contractions. Mike was in denial. I woke up at 4am and my stomach was still hurting in waves. By 5am I was noticing a pattern of 8 minutes apart so I got up and finished the laundry and packing for the hospital. Just in case. I had the boys all day on my own and they were so good for their mommy. I kept having contractions 8 minutes apart but they were really mild. They started picking up intensity at 3 so I called mike and asked him to come home by 4:30. He wasn't really convinced I was in labor and neither was I. I decided to call the doc to give her a heads up but I wasn't planning on heading to the hospital anytime soon. When I called the doc she said I needed to come in right away. She said, "I know your husband has seen a lot of deliveries but I'm sure he doesn't want to do one on his own yet." so we made some phone calls and our dear friend Lori came over to watch the boys before nana Dobbs arrived. We headed to the hospital and I was convinced we would be heading back home within the hour. My contractions were there but not bad at all. Walking to the maternity ward they did start picking up in intensity. When I got to triage around 7 a nurse didn't even have time to start monitoring me when the doctor came in and checked me and I was a three. She said I was staying and having a baby tonight. She told me she would be back in an hour to break my water. I decided to walk so I could progress and get my epidural sooner rather than later. After I walked for an hour I was a four. Then the doctor broke my water at 8 and I got an epidural right away. The epidural was good but I was still feeling the contractions which was a bummer. After a couple of hours they checked me again and I was only a five which was disappointing. So they started me on pitocin. Around 11:50 pm the doctor came to check me and I was only a six and she said my contractions were weak. At this point I felt like my epidural wasn't doing its job and my contractions were getting really painful. I was disappointed to hear that these were weak contractions. The doctor said I should get a boost in my epidural since it would probably be awhile. At midnight she left and the epidural guy came in with the extra medicine. He gave me a good dose so I could try to sleep but warned me that when it came close to go time he wouldn't be able to give me more because I needed to be able to feel my legs for that part. He left the room around 12:05. I asked the nurse to help me lay on my side so I could try to sleep because it sounded like I was in for a long haul ahead of me. She helped me on my left side and I started feeling immense contractions even though I couldn't feel below my waist. She said she wanted to check me and lo and behold rebekahs head was right there. She called the doctor who rushed in. I couldn't feel anything below my waist so they had to put my legs up and I didn't get one push out and rebekahs head and arm were out and she was crying. The nurse was still trying to call the other nurse who cleans the baby to get in the room. Rebekah just slid right out and I couldn't feel a thing because of the last dose of drugs. It was amazing how fast it all happened. Mike was in awe that there wasn't even a pushing process to go through. We thought David was fast with five pushes but rebekahs delivery was lightening quick. It was as though she was crawling out herself. I think she was offended when the doctor said they were wimpy contractions. Rebekah was perfect. They said she would have received a ten algae score which is essentially impossible but the bottom of her feet were slightly purple so she got a 9.9. She was 2.5 weeks early but still weighed 7 pounds 9oz and was 20 inches long. She is a beauty. We will get to go home later today and I am looking forward to seeing the boys. Hopefully they take kindly to their little sister. It's always hard changing things up when we've been in such a good routine. But where's the fun in life if you stay in the same routine forever? Grandma Karius is in town to help us with the transition to three kids. Pray for us! Love, Katie

David : Feb 23, 2011 Hip Hip Hooray   

Tonight was bathnight.  Adam and I stripped all of our clothes off downstairs and ran up the stairs giggling the whole way.  I started climbing into the tub before Daddy could even fill it up.  Adam and I have decided to stop giving our parents a hard time and start to enjoy bathtime again.  I love to dive in face first and go swimming.  I just need to learn to hold my breath under water.  Oh well.

Mommy has been working on talking with me.  Our favorite game is "hip hip hooray!"  I lift up my arms and say "Daaaaay!"  Today I took a 4.5 hour nap too.  I'm just a busy boy these days. 

I'll keep you posted on any of my new tricks.



Adam : Feb 23, 2011 Scrub a Dub   

After months of fighting, kicking, and screaming I have now decided that I LOVE bathtime.  In fact tonight I spent almost an entire hour in the tub.  I even had Daddy fill up the tub with more water so I could go swimming.  I'd lay on my belly and kick my feet.  I was so entertained!  Then mommy told me my toes looked like raisins and that made me hungry.  So, I cleaned up the tub so I could go and eat some raisins.  Delicious!


Adam : Feb 20, 2011 The sun has come out   

Finally...three days of warm weather! I have been locked up in this house with sick people for the last month. Mommy and daddy have been taking david and I out every day for the last three days and I cant get enough. I could stay outside forever. Of course I have to put my stylish Elmo hat before I can leave the house. Last week my aunt Sarah came to visit. She gave the best baths. As a reminder I hate bath time. But aunt Sarah would draw animals on the tub and let me wash them away. I especially loved her drawing of an 8 legged dog. Silly aunt Sarah. We had sleepovers in my room too. I loved having a roomie. I have been a good boy for mommy lately. I go up to mommy and often ask "mommy happy?". Mommy likes it when I try to make her happy. David and I have been getting along better see days. Its a big struggle to share things with the kid but mom and dad insist so I've been working on it. Sounds like my baby sister is coming soon...oh boy. So much responsibility for me. I'm going to have to step up davids big brother training. Wish me luck. Adam

David : Jan 21, 2011 Mr. Personality - 16 months   

Hello everyone.  It's been a long time since my brother and dad have gotten off the computer so I can actually add to my blog.  They are such computer junkies.  Anyway, I am 16 months old now. I am full of personality these days.  I like to run around the house, preferably in my diaper only.  The minute my clothes come off I feel 10 times better.  I like to run around and then peek around the corner and look at Mommy and lean my body in the room and say "Blah blah blah blah."  It's my way of lecturing her.  Then I go and run away and come back and do the same thing.

Tonight I enjoyed riding my toy car in my diaper and I took a bowl of Cheerios and dumped it on the floor.  Then I got back on the car and proceeded to drive over the Cheerios over and over again until they were all smooshed to pieces.  It was great.  I also like to shake my head no at mommy.  Then she shakes her head back at me.  We proceed to do this over and over again and it thoroughly cracks me up.

I've been eating a lot less these days.  I've decided I'm feeling picky.  But, mom's not worried because I have enough "cushion" on my body.  I am slimming up these days and run around like a pro.  No more baby days for me.  I'm a big brother now!

Well, it's back to bed for me.  Love you all.


Rebekah(Miss Rebekah) : Jan 07, 2011 Happy new year   

I've been brewing for 7 months now and I'm getting ready for my homecoming. Its going to be the year of rebekah! Get ready for some drama folks. Love, Rebekah

Adam : Dec 19, 2010 No more kid shows for this guy   

Mommy was trying to get me to watch tv yesterday and I said, no Pooh and no choo-choo. Finally she realized what I wanted. Futurama! I could watch that show 24/7. Mommy just shakes her head. I'm a big boy now. No more Disney for me. Love, Adam

Rebekah(Miss Rebekah) : Dec 19, 2010 Running out of room   

Well it's less than three months until D-day (delivery day) and it's already getting cramped in here. It doesn't help that my big brothers are always jumping into mommys lap and squishing me. But it's toughening me up in preparation for later. I enjoy Christmas time because mommy eats cookies and the sugar has me doing backflips. Good stuff. Well that's it for now. Love, Rebekah

David : Dec 19, 2010 Catch me if you can   

Mommy gave me a bath tonight. First she stripped me down and I ran away from her into her bedroom. Daddy and mommy came in ten seconds later and found that I had run into their closet and peed and pooped. Tee hee hee. I'm quick to get the job done! Lesson learned by mom and dad! Love, David

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