Katie : Mar 28, 2011 Relaxing with my babies   

Well aunt Suzy left today and it's just our little family of five now. It's a house full of runny noses but despite the sicknesses we had a great time tonight. Adam woke up at 5 pm but he was in such a sweet mood. He played and played with David and they even ran around the playroom holding hands. Then Adam and David started taking turns tickling and wrestling each other. They were rolling around the floor and laughing up a storm. After playtime we all went upstairs to put David to bed and read him books. Then Adam helped me give rebekah a bath. Rebekah is swaddled and sleeping soundly so Adam and I made popcorn and are having a calliou tv show marathon. These kiddie may wear me out at times but I couldn't imagine life without them. They are worth every tantrum, every poopy diaper and every sleepless night. We are so blessed! Mommy

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